Report – Asociacion Hippocampus_Plumbum Project

During 2021, volunteer divers, with a small grant from Voice for Nature Foundation undertook 6 field action over an 8 month period in with the following results:
• 30 volunteer divers from the Hippocampus Association
• 51 volunteer divers from other Associations and Clubs.
• 95 ground support volunteers, both from A. Hippocampus, and other participating Associations.
• Lead removed from coastal areas in 6 actions
• 81 volunteer divers
• 32,653 kilos of lead
What’s more:
• 2,562 kilos of other types of garbage extracted from the seabed during 6 actions
TLEM Fund: Isla Urbana

Towards the end of 2021, the Foundation’s The Lost Explorer Mezcal Fund (TLEM Fund) supported grass roots project in Mexico.
Check out Isla Urbana’s update here
Global Biodiversity Festival 20-23 May 2021
Register and check in tomorrow morning at 9.30am (BST) to catch David speaking at the Globaldiversity Festival – details below:
The Global Biodiversity Festival kicks off today! Celebrate our planet’s amazing biodiversity and those protecting it with 150+ speakers from over 50 countries around the world all through the weekend. #GlobalBioFest
Find all the details and register now:
Connecting with Nature – GCT webinar hosted by David de Rothschild
A chance to participate in the Galapagos Conservation Trust’s ‘Connecting with Nature’ webinar, hosted by David de Rothschild. The webinar will take place on Thursday 13 May at 6pm (UK time)
The Event:
Registration page (spaces are free)
Voices of Sustainability by the Zayed Sustainability Prize – 29/04/2021
David de Rothschild accepted an invitation to speak at the second episode of Voices of Sustainability by the Zayed Sustainability Prize, which aired on 29 April 2021 under the theme “Protecting biodiversity and why it matters”. The webinar was a huge success and the video has been watched over 10,000 times on YouTube. Well worth checking out.
Earth Day 2021
It’s time for a new narrative.
One that shows us what’s possible.
That articulates how we thrive not just survive.
We need to harness our creativity.
It’s not just our intelligence that makes us creative,
it’s our passion,
our imagination,
our empathy,
our innovation.
It’s our ability to harmonize the relationship with technology, Nature, and us.
We have the playbook. We just need to use it.
It’s time to give Nature a voice.
Voice for Nature Foundation x The Lost Explorer Mezcal
To mark Earth Day, we are delighted to announce a long-term partnership with The Lost Explorer Mezcal x Voice For Nature Foundation to advance a more sustainable and socially conscious mezcal industry, starting in our own backyard. We have begun their endeavor by consulting with expert advisors in creating an open-source exchange of sustainability best practices, which we hope will inspire further conversations and action within all industries that touch mezcal production. As we embark, we look forward to sharing this journey with you. We intend to be both the student and teacher as we do our part to work toward a more environmentally sound world. #celebratetheearth
To learn more, check out The Lost Explorer Mezcal
Ocean Heroes Caribbean Bootcamp
Friends of V4NF – Ocean Heroes Network – is collaborating with Caribbean youth and NGOs to launch the first ever REGIONAL Ocean Heroes Bootcamp.
With the goal of engaging young people from across the Caribbean to develop campaigns for the health of our ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
Young people aged 11-18 in the Caribbean who are passionate about the future of the Caribbean should apply here
Plastiki Ocean Artivism Prize and Plastiki Ocean Awareness (Activism) Prize
What do you get when #OceanHeroes harness their ingenuity and creativity for artivism and activism+awareness? Award-winning ideas.
Our foundation @avoicefornature teamed up with @oceanheroeshq and @lonelywhale to provide six Ocean Heroes $500 grants for their inspiring work as young change-makers and their dedication to environmental activism.
Check out @oceanheroeshq to find out about the winners of The Plastiki Ocean Artivism Prize and Plastiki Ocean Awareness (Activism) Prize!!!