We have arrived into Bolivia and wanted to give you a quick update and link to a 4 min video to thank you for the grant – utterly indispensable:
.We have now run over 3,300 miles whilst pulling our trailer from Cabo Froward, Chile. We’re shattered, but somehow our achy old bones are allowing us to keep going. Argentina was tough, not just because of the day-on-day 40 C temps in the north, but also due to anti-English sentiment rising high – necessitating a lot of shaky Spanish before the stony faces turned to smiles. So it’s amazing to be in Bolivia now. We’ve clocked thousands of bird and mammal records and over three hundred species. The biodiversity is fantastic and we’re speaking to everyone about the wildlife that’s surrounding them, including schools, local radio stations, T.V. and newspapers.
Katharine and Davie Lowrie